Things are still a bit slow, as far as multiple species available, but spring is approaching, and the waters are warming. That being said, more anglers are out, and hooking up with Puppy Drum. Many are casting soft plastics on light jig heads to shallow areas inside places like Lynnhaven Inlet, Rudee Inlet, and the Elizabeth River. Folks are hooking up with Rockfish in some of these areas, but they must be released. There have been a few Specks caught as well. Tautogs are available on ocean wrecks, while some are available inside the bay, along the structures of the CBBT. Most of the bigger Togs come from the ocean structures. The warm spell sparked better participation at the point in Buxton, with some big Drum caught. Puppy Drum, and Bluefish were also caught before the cooler weather set in.