NOAA Releases Status of Stocks 2022


The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) is pleased to present the 2022 Report to Congress on the Status of U.S. Fisheries. This report highlights the achievements of NMFS, the eight Regional Fishery Management Councils (Councils), and our other partners. In 2022, the number of stocks on the overfishing list decreased slightly, the number of overfished stocks also slightly decreased, and two stocks were rebuilt. We continue to implement management measures that will end overfishing, rebuild overfished stocks, and sustain our fisheries for future generations. Sound science, an increasing focus on climate-informed management, effective enforcement, meaningful partnerships, and public engagement drive our success in managing the most sustainable fisheries in the world.

Overview of Phrases to Know

The main concepts related to “overfishing” and “overfished” covered in this report are:

  • Maximum sustainable yield (MSY): The largest long-term average catch that can be taken from a stock under prevailing environmental and fishery conditions.
  • Overfishing: A stock having a harvest rate higher than the rate that produces its MSY.
  • Overfished: A stock having a population size that is too low and that jeopardizes the stock’s ability to produce its MSY.
  • Rebuilt: A stock that was previously overfished and abundance is now at the target population size that supports its MSY.

What’s the difference?

As a harvest rate, overfishing is a direct result of fishing activities. Allowed to continue unchecked, overfishing is associated with many negative outcomes, including an overfished population. Current management practices—such as annual catch limits and accountability measures— reduce the likelihood of this happening.

As a population size, overfished can be the result of many factors, including overfishing, as well as habitat degradation, pollution, climate change, and disease. While overfishing is sometimes the main cause of an overfished stock, these other factors can also play a role and may affect the stock’s ability to rebuild.

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Benefits of Sustainable Fisheries Management

Sustainable fisheries support thriving fishing communities, healthy marine ecosystems, and a strong economy. Commercial, recreational, subsistence, and ceremonial fishing provide a valuable food source, important outdoor activities, and cultural significance for the nation. U.S. commercial and recreational fishing provided 1.7 million jobs and $253 billion in sales across the broader economy in 2020.

Stock status breakdown graphic.

The Year in Review

NMFS manages 492 stocks or stock complexes in 45 fishery management plans. At the end of 2022, the overfishing list included 24 stocks, the overfished list included 48 stocks, and two stocks were rebuilt. One of those stocks is considered rebuilt based on changes to its reference points. Since 2000, 49 stocks have been rebuilt.

We determine the status of fish stocks and stock complexes through stock assessments and by comparing catch data to an overfishing reference level. Of the 492 stocks and stock complexes, 355 have a known overfishing status (331 not subject to overfishing and 24 subject to overfishing) and 249 have a known overfished status (201 not overfished and 48 overfished). Of the stocks most targeted by fishermen, 88 percent have a known overfishing or overfished status. These stocks are contained in the Fish Stock Sustainability Index.

A significant achievement this year includes implementing island-based fishery management plans for Puerto Rico, St. Thomas and St. John, and St. Croix. This action consolidated four existing Caribbean fishery management plans into three island-based plans and added 32 stocks and stock complexes to our list of managed stocks. The island-based fishery management plans account for the differences between fishing sectors, available markets for harvested products, fishermen and their fishing communities, and the social and cultural attributes unique to each island area.

Two year comparison of 2021 and 2022 data.
*The number of managed stocks increased to 492 stocks/stock complexes in 2022 from 460 stocks/stock complexes in 2021. This increase in total number of stocks is partly responsible for the percentage decreases in 2022.

Summary of 2022 Changes

2022 Overfishing and Overfished Lists
*Overfishing status changed to unknown because the 2013 stock assessment is too outdated to support a continued overfishing status determination. Catch limits remain in place. ** The target population level for this stock was reduced based on updated scientific information and stock abundance is above the new target.

Ending Overfishing under Effective Laws

The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA) is the primary law that governs marine fisheries management in federal waters, and under this law the United States is an international leader in fisheries management. In 2022, 90 percent of all stocks
or complexes did not exceed their annual catch limits. When catch limit overages occur, NMFS and the Councils take steps to ensure overages do not continue. Annually monitoring catch levels and working to keep them within acceptable limits paired with taking corrective measures when limits are exceeded, helps reduce the chance of overfishing and ensures long-term biological and economic sustainability.

This year, new data and an updated stock assessment provided information that showed some stocks are now subject to overfishing. For example, an assessment found that the Gulf of Maine haddock stock declined unexpectedly, resulting in catch levels that were too high.
Additionally, catch overages resulted in overfishing listings for Gulf of Mexico cubera snapper and the Gulf of Mexico Mid-Water Snapper Complex. Fisheries managers will develop appropriate stock-specific measures that will end overfishing immediately on these stocks.

Photo of an east coast fishing port.
East coast fishing port. Credit: iStock

Success and Challenges in Rebuilding Fisheries

When a s tock becomes overfished, a Council (or for Atlantic highly migratory species, NMFS) must develop a plan to rebuild the stock to a sustainable target level. Typically, the plan allows fishing to continue at a reduced level so the stock can rebuild to its target level and produce its MSY. This approach keeps the fishing industry working while stocks rebuild so that waterfronts remain vibrant. However, rebuilding stocks is a complex process that involves many factors that fall outside the control of managers.

While we have successfully rebuilt 49 stocks over the last 20 years, rebuilding stocks to historical levels has become more challenging due to climate change and other factors. For example, waters off the northeastern United States are among the fastest warming in the world’s oceans, causing shifts in the distribution of many fish stocks and decreasing reproductive capacity. In Alaska, changes in ocean conditions and low reproduction are affecting population levels of some crab stocks such that conservation measures require a prohibition on fishing.

This year, our two rebuilt stocks highlight the success and challenges with rebuilding. Under a rebuilding plan that began in 2004, the Cape Cod/Gulf of Maine yellowtail flounder population size increased and the stock rebuilt to its sustainable target level. Conversely, the Southern New England/Mid-Atlantic winter flounder population size has significantly decreased since the beginning of its rebuilding plan, despite fisheries management actions to control fishing mortality. Due to changing environmental conditions and lower stock productivity, scientists concluded that the target population level should be changed to a lower target. Because stock abundance is above the new target, Southern New England/Mid-Atlantic winter flounder is considered rebuilt but still in poor condition. Fishery managers must proceed with precautionary management measures in cases like this.

Forty-eight stocks or stock complexes are currently in rebuilding plans. NMFS monitors rebuilding stocks and, through the fishery management process, adjusts measures to increase stock abundance to a target level that supports MSY. When a rebuilding stock increases above the overfished threshold, the stock is removed from the overfished list but remains under its rebuilding plan until it is fully rebuilt. Of the 48 stocks currently in rebuilding plans, seven are no longer overfished but continue to be managed under rebuilding plans.

Despite the complex challenges associated with fishery management, working with our partners and stakeholders we continually adapt our management response with innovative solutions using the most updated scientific information available. We are committed to reducing the number of stocks that are overfished and subject to overfishing, and to rebuilding stocks that support sustainable fisheries in our changing climate.

Photo with children displaying their catch aboard a boat.
Children proudly displaying their reactional catches. Credit: iStock

The Science Behind Stock Status

A scientific analysis of the abundance and composition of a fish stock, as well as the degree of fishing intensity, is called a s tock assessment. Stock assessments are subject to regional peer review as part of the process to ensure that management decisions are based on the best scientific information available. In fiscal year 2022, NMFS conducted 198 stock assessments.

Fishery management plans must specify objective and measurable criteria, called reference points, to determine if a stock is overfished or subject to overfishing. The Councils and NMFS use information from stock assessments to calculate reference points and determine whether catch limits have successfully ended or prevented overfishing and whether a s tock is overfished. Outside the stock assessment process, NMFS may also use a comparison of catch to the overfishing limit to determine if a stock is subject to overfishing. If the catch-to-overfishing-limit comparison is used, an overfishing determination is made annually. If a s tock assessment is used, due to timing of the next stock assessment it may take several years before we are able to determine if catch limits successfully ended overfishing. NMFS is constantly improving catch accounting, data collection, and assessment science to expand our understanding of previously assessed stocks and gain insight into unassessed stocks.

Photo of fisherman offloading yellowfin tuna.
Fisherman offloading yellowfin tuna. Credit: iStock

Overfishing and Overfished Stocks as of December 31, 2022

Overfishing and overfished stocks map

Percentage of Stocks Not Subject to Overfishing and Not Overfished 2013–2022

Bar graph of the % stocks not subject to overfishing and % of stocks not overfished.

Advancements for Climate-Resilient Fisheries

Closure of Alaska crab fisheries, contraction of Atlantic cod’s range, reduced productivity of Southern New England/Mid-Atlantic winter flounder, and continued poor recruitment of South Atlantic gag grouper demonstrate some of the challenges of managing fisheries in the face of climate change. Advances such as accurately predicting stock conditions, tracking species distribution, and incorporating environmental data into stock assessments help address these challenges and are leading the way toward climate-resilient fisheries. For example, managers can now track shifting stock distributions through the NOAA Distribution Mapping and Analysis Portal (DisMAP) and obtain advance notice of marine heat waves through NOAA’s new global forecasting system. These tools play a critical role in decision-making, by allowing fishermen to anticipate geographic shifts in their target species and managers to better target fishing seasons and other management measures.