Striped Bass Length Change Effective May 26, 2023 for New Hampshire’s Recreational Anglers

Striped Bass

Concord, NH – Effective this Friday, May 26, and for the remainder of the 2023 season, recreational striped bass anglers may take, posses, or transport only one fish between 28 inches and less than 31 inches per day. All other striped bass rules remain unchanged and in effect. The modification in the acceptable length is due to the emergency action taken by the Striped Bass Management Board of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission. This measure is in response to the unprecedented recreational harvest in 2022, which was nearly double that of 2021. For more information on this emergency action visit or

The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission coordinates the conservation and management of the 15 Atlantic coast states’ shared near-shore fishery resources—marine, shell, and anadromous—for sustainable use. Visit for more information.

The New Hampshire Fish and Game Department is the guardian of the state’s marine, fish, and wildlife resources and their habitats. The Department’s Marine Fisheries Division is located in Durham, NH. Visit to learn more.